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New Year: BREAK These Bad Beauty Habits!

New Year: BREAK These Bad Beauty Habits!
Writer and expert6 years ago
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No resolution? No matter - make 2018 the year you BREAK these bad beauty habits!

We've all got them, but we've picked 5 of the worst - tell us your bad beauty habits over on our Facebook page, or comment below (if you dare...)

Bad Beauty Habits: Picking Spots

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Ewwwww! So tempting but don't do it. The only time it's ever ok to pick a spot is when it's reached the surface and has a white head. At this point, it's generally ok to drain it, as long as you don't squeeze and you do it quickly. Clean the skin thoroughly and wash your hands, then use a sterile needle to gently drain the liquid. Clean the skin again and use an antibacterial such as tea tree oil to avoid causing further spots. If the skin still looks inflamed, soak a cotton round in La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water and leave it over the spot to encourage healing (trust us, it's wonderful stuff!)

Tip: to cover spots, use the smallest brush you have to carefully dab on concealer exactly where it's needed. Less is more to avoid making the bump look bigger. Set it with a little powder for all-day cover.

Bad Beauty Habits: NOT Double Cleansing

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STILL not double cleansing?  Or even removing makeup before bed?? Tut tut!! Come on now, it's basic common sense. Cleanse first to remove makeup / impurities, then cleanse again to clean the skin. It doesn't have to be a chore: perform a basic cleanse in the shower, or remove makeup with micellar water while you watch tv. Then use a tissue-off treatment once you're in bed, for a relaxing, deep clean. Here's our full guide to show you how.

Bad Beauty Habits: Skipping Beauty Sleep

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Not sleeping enough, going to bed feeling rushed and stressed, using your mobile - the list goes on. And there's nothing worse than waking up feeling exhausted and nauseous from lack of sleep - not to mention, looking terrible! Be kind to yourself and set up a bedtime routine. Before you decide you don't have time, this should be enjoyable and can be as simple as making a few easy rules like some of these:

  • Put electronics on 'do not disturb' before you get into bed
  • Use a relaxing pillow spray or room scent to set the mood
  • Keep your bedroom tidy and restful
  • Set yourself a bedtime - even if you're wide awake and reading, be in bed at the same time every weeknight
  • Put on soothing music, dim the lights and make a warm drink
  • Make your bedroom a sanctuary to escape to - once you cross the threshold, you're in a peaceful, calm space

Bad Beauty Habits: NOT Cleaning Your Brushes!

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Hands up if this is you! Even if spots are a long distant memory and you never have a single breakout, cleaning your brushes (believe it or not) actually makes them work better. And - SHOCK! - your makeup looks better too! And guess what? Blending, concealing, contouring, it all looks and feels SO much better! Ok you know all this, so do it yes? If you aren't sure how, then here are some tips. Once a month if you're really strapped for time - for us, please?

Now tell us the bad beauty habits you want to break in 2018...

Writer and expert
View allbeauty's profile