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Cellulite: The Lowdown on Orange Peel

Cellulite: The Lowdown on Orange Peel
Writer and expert4 years ago
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Ah, cellulite. That dimply, dappled effect that dons the legs, bums, tums and arms of 90% of women. First of all, let that statistic sink in. 90% of women suffer from cellulite, so if you’ve spent years battling the dreaded orange peel, you’re in very good company. 

Whether you’re working toward embracing and accepting your lumpy bits, or are looking for ways to banish them, here you’ll find everything you need to know.

Myths About Cellulite

Women of different ethnicity's showing their cellulite

Let’s start by covering some of the untruths many people believe about cellulite. 

Cellulite only affects you if you’re overweight

Cellulite is one of those things that strikes indiscriminately. Despite what many may think, weight isn’t always a factor. While a larger surface area can certainly make cellulite more obvious, being overweight isn’t a precursor for cellulite. Many of us will vouch for that fact. 

Cellulite is genetic.

While there can be a genetic element to cellulite, our biology is rather complicated so it isn’t quite as straightforward as that. One sister within a family may inherit her mother’s dimply bottom, while her sibling may not. If ever there was a trigger for sibling rivalry! 

When it comes to hereditary cellulite, it’s luck of the draw.

Men don’t get cellulite.

Blokes aren’t passed over in the genetic lottery either I’m afraid. Cellulite does affect women in a greater proportion due to our typical fat distribution and connective tissue, but it also affects an estimated 10% of men. However, men do have the benefit of being able to wear their hairy thighs with pride to take the focus off those lumps and bumps. If only!

There’s nothing you can do about cellulite.

Time for hard truths. There’s nothing you can do to rid yourself of cellulite completely. We know, we know. It hurts to hear it. If there was a magical treatment that blasted those bumps into oblivion, we’d be first in the queue. Sadly, that’s just not the way it works. BUT, and this is a big but, you can reduce the visible appearance of cellulite. So, for those of us who would rather eradicate than embrace, there’s hope in sight. 

So, What Causes Cellulite?

Without going too far into the science, cellulite is the term for the bumps and dimples created on the skin by underlying fat. When the fat pushes through connective tissue it can make the skin above pucker or bulge, creating cellulite. Women have vertical connective tissue, making us more susceptible to this effect, while men have a criss-cross structure that makes cellulite less likely. 

Woman showing her Cellulite

Your genetics play a role in determining your connective tissue, but lifestyle factors can also play a role. If you smoke, have a diet low in fibre, or live a sedentary lifestyle, you’re more at risk of exacerbating cellulite. 

Unfortunately, age also plays a factor, as those connective tissues weaken over time. From around the age of 30, our bodies naturally produce less collagen, the substance which gives our skin its elasticity. The combination of these two age-related factors makes cellulite more likely to form.

Types of Cellulite

Did you realise there was more than one type of cellulite? You’re not alone! There are in fact three types of cellulite of different severities which are grouped based on their visual appearance.

Grade 1, mild cellulite:

Typically "orange-peel" in appearance. Mild cellulite is categorised as having between 1 and 4 superficial depressions and slight sagging to the skin. 

Grade 2, moderate cellulite:

Typically “cottage cheese” in appearance. Moderate cellulite is categorised as having between 5 and 9 medium-depth depressions and moderate sagging.

Grade 3, severe cellulite:

Typically has a "mattress" appearance. Severe cellulite is categorised as having 10 or more deep depressions and severe sagging.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

As we learned in #4 of the cellulite myths, you can’t get rid of cellulite, but that’s not to say you have to be happy with the status quo. So, if you can’t wave a magic wand and reveal a silky smooth bum, tum and thighs, what can you do?

Embrace Those Curves

Life’s too short to spend hiding behind sarongs, knee-length shorts and drapey kaftans. Throw off those excess layers and stride to the sand or poolside with confidence. 

Ok, if you’re reading this article then chances are you’re not quite at that point. But next time you’re at the beach or pool, instead of worrying what your body looks like, take a moment to look around. People come in every shape and size. That woman with the glorious legs is probably self-conscious about her small breasts, the one with the pert bum may have crooked teeth she spends her life trying to hide. 

We all have our imperfections, so why not just accept and embrace them? 

Give Your Skin A Fighting Chance

While there are a lot of factors that can’t be changed, there are a few things you


do to help your body. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables which are high in fibre, and reduce the salt and saturated fats you consume. Staying hydrated will also help your skin retain some of its moisture, reducing the appearance of cellulite. 

In terms of lifestyle, step away from the cigarettes and try to move more. Exercising won’t get rid of cellulite, but it does help to improve the muscle tone beneath the fatty layer of cellulite. Blood circulation to the affected area can also play an important role in cellulite, so avoid sitting for long periods of time, or wearing clothing that may limit blood flow.

How Can You Smooth The Appearance Of Cellulite?

If you’ve tackled the lifestyle aspects of cellulite but still aren’t seeing the results you want, it may be time to enlist some expert help. There are a variety of techniques and ingredients which can tackle cellulite, but here are a few of the products rated highest by other allbeauty customers.


Guinot Minceur Rapide Fast Action Slimming Gel

Guinot Minceur Rapide Fast Action Slimming Gel - Cellulite

If you have a special event and need smoother skin in a flash, look no further than the Fast Action Slimming Gel by Guinot. Stimulating circulation and encouraging the draining of excess fluid from tissue, cellulite is visibly reduced. 

“Very happy with the purchase, price, delivery and quality of the product.”

5* review from allbeauty customer


Collistar Anticellulite Caffeine Capsules

Collistar Anticellulite Caffeine Capsules - Cellulite

Caffeine has been shown to stimulate circulation and burn fat, making these oil capsules a great way to shift your dimples.

“Impressed with the results already, easy to apply. Would highly recommend.”

5* review from allbeauty customer


Elemis Body Detox Skin Brush

Elemis Body Detox Skin Brush - Cellulite

Stimulating blood flow to those problem areas can help to plump skin and reduce the appearance of orange peel skin. Incorporate a dry scrub into your daily routine with this Body Detox Skin Brush from Elemis.

“Introduced to this product on a cruise. Bought 4 more for Christmas presents says it all!”

5* review from allbeauty customer


Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil

Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil - Cellulite
Rich in natural plant extracts, the Cellulite Oil by Weleda firms and improves the appearance of cellulite. Use in tandem with the

Elemis Body Detox Skin Brush

for best results.

“This oil is amazing, it has completely changed how I feel about my back thighs. It has reduced the cellulite dramatically with help from using a body brush. I highly recommend this product!!!”

5* review from allbeauty customer

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Writer and expert
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