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How to treat hormonal acne

How to treat hormonal acne
Writer and expert11 months ago
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What is hormonal acne?

One of the not-so-fun things about adulthood is the realisation that acne can strike at any age. Especially the hormonal kind. Thanks to menstruation, pregnancy and menopause (all of which can mix up your hormone levels), it’s a whole lot more common for women.

Whilst fluctuations in your oestrogen and progesterone levels are the main causes of hormonal acne, stress plays an important part too (upping your cortisol levels) – all of which can make your skin produce more sebum. When this happens, your sebaceous glands (tiny glands near the surface of your skin) make too much of it – clogging your pores to form blackheads and whiteheads.

How to tell if your acne is hormonal?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if acne is hormonal or bacterial, but there are a few things to look out for that’ll help you figure out if you’re dealing with the hormonal kind:

  • Spots on your chin and jawline — most of your oil glands can be found around your chin area so this is where you’re likely to get flare-ups, although they might also be on the side of your face or neck
  • Monthly breakouts — thanks to menstrual cycles, hormonal acne follows a cycle too, usually popping up around the same time each month. Postmenopausal women can actually struggle with this too, as they’re still susceptible to monthly fluctuations in their hormone levels
  • Stress — too much stress can lead to flare-ups, as cortisol (the stress hormone) can put your other hormones out of whack. It also might mean you’re not looking after yourself as much as you should, and your skincare routine and healthy diet have dropped off, making breakouts more likely

But good news… if you’re wondering how to get rid of hormonal acne, you’re in the right place! Committing to a good skincare routine can help treat or clear up hormonal acne.

Facewash for hormonal acne

First thing’s first: face wash. Cleansing your skin morning and night helps to keep sebum from building up. It’s also a really good idea to double cleanse – starting with an oil-based cleanser (that breaks down the makeup-up, dirt and oil on your skin) and following up with a foam or cream-based cleanser to make sure your skin is squeaky clean.

Serum for hormonal acne

Next step? Serums. They deliver a high concentration of active ingredients, making them the perfect second step in your skincare routine. Look out for ingredients like salicylic acid, which is great for breakouts (getting rid of dead skin cells whilst reducing any redness and swelling) or niacinamide (perfect for reducing inflamation and inhibiting oil production).

Face creams for hormonal acne

When it comes to face creams, it’s best to avoid heavy, super-hydrating formulas that might clog pores. Instead, look for lighter formulas that are made for more sensitive skin that can hydrate whilst keeping pores clear and soothe your skin throughout the day or night.

Treatments for hormonal acne

When a breakout strikes, sometimes you need to call in for backup. From on-the-spot treatments to masks, these hormonal acne treatments are the perfect SOS (save our skin) products for when you need it most.

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Writer and expert
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