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5 Ways to Feel Together If You’re Apart This Christmas

5 Ways to Feel Together If You’re Apart This Christmas
Writer and expert3 years ago
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It’s no secret that this year has turned out a little different than any of us could have anticipated, and there’s more to come. This Christmas will be the first that many of us are forced to spend away from our loved ones, showing our love by keeping our distance.

We might be spoiled for choice when it comes to technology, but let’s be honest, there’s only so many times we can coax Great Aunt Margaret to hit “unmute” while despairing at your family’s general inability to angle a camera lens. Sound familiar?

Well, a few of the allbeauty team have family abroad, so we’ve perfected the art of long-distance celebrations. We’ve collated our favourite tips for feeling together if you’re apart this Christmas - it might not be the same, but it comes close.

Decorate Your Outside Space

While many of us will be spending the festive season long distances from our loved ones, we may still be able to visit friends locally, albeit outdoors. It’s not often that many of us entertain outside in December, so here are a few ways you can create a great space for spending with family.

• Get an outdoors Christmas tree (live or weatherproof) • Decorate your patio with tinsel • Add atmosphere with a festive scented candle • Place LED “twinkle” lights in main areas • Hang shatterproof ornaments from your trees and plants.

Eat Together

For many families, food is the central point of Christmas Day (or for some cultures, Christmas Eve!). Spending Christmas apart might mean you miss out on mum’s amazing potato dauphinoise, but this is your chance to turn the recipe into a family heirloom. Encourage everyone in your family to make the same dish, knowing that you’ll all get to enjoy it together, however far apart you might be.

Another great idea if you have younger family members is to post out a jar of dry ingredients and a recipe card, and have your own Christmas Edition of the Great British Bake Off!


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again… technology is wonderful, but it has its limits. Instead of spending your whole day Zooming, Skyping or Facetiming your extended family, agree a set time in advance for a specific part of your day.

Let the grandparents join in on Christmas morning for gift unwrapping, arrange some long-distance carol singing in the early evening, or come together to give thanks at mealtime. Whatever the important moments are for you on Christmas Day, share them with the ones you love.

Be (Extra) Thoughtful

Gifts aren’t the be-all and end-all of Christmas, but this year, with your physical presence missed, they’ll be even more special. Scents have an amazing effect on the brain because its processors are located in the same area of the brain responsible for memory and emotions. That’s why fragrances can so easily transport us to another place and time.

Hand-picking a special fragrance for a loved one makes an incredibly thoughtful gift, and one that they’ll forever link with you each time they wear it. Use our Fragrance Finder to help you find the perfect scent.

Spread Joy By Giving

You might not be able to see your nearest and dearest at Christmas this year, but remember that we’re all in this together. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that there is strength in kindness and consideration for others. So, instead of dwelling too much on what we cannot control (covid restrictions, national lockdowns we’re looking at you here) let’s appreciate how much we’re thankful for and spread joy this Christmas.

Leave a card and pamper pack gift set for the single mother next door. Donate a gift to a local children’s charity. “Adopt” a care home resident and brighten their Christmas by sending them a card. Sometimes, it’s the little things that mean the most.

Get inspired for your christmas gifting with our Gift Finder or browse the full Christmas range at

Writer and expert
View allbeauty's profile