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Stay Safe In The Sun With Our Handy Checklist

Stay Safe In The Sun With Our Handy Checklist
Writer and expert8 years ago
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A heatwave can catch you unprepared. Read our top tips to stay safe in the sun, compiled from information by the British Skin Foundation and sun safety experts Ultrasun.

Stay safe in the sun and don't take risks. Skin can burn in as little as 10 minutes and remember - the sun is the number one cause of ageing! You can shop all sun and tan here at allbeauty.
  • The sun's at its hottest between 11am and 3pm - avoid completely if you have pale skin
  • Apply sunscreen at least 30 mins before you go out - don't forget back of the neck, feet and ears
  • Re-apply sunscreen every 2 hours. Start with a high factor (at least SPF 30) and reduce as the day goes on
  • Wear a hat, t-shirt and sunglasses - sunscreen is an extra layer of protection
  • UVB rays are related to skin cancer, UVA to ageing Make sure your product has the UVA circle logo to be sure of proper protection
  • UVA circle logo
    The UVA star rating only shows how much UVA protection you'll get compared toUVB protection in that product. So always choose a high SPF first (eg SPF 30) then look for 4 or 5 stars for the UVA rating
  • Keep babies & toddlers completely out of the sun. Use a sunscreen just for kids as adult sunscreen can irritate young skin
  • Drink plenty of water!

british skin foundation logo
ultrasun logo
Our tips were compiled by with information provided by Ultrasun and The British Skin Foundation.

Our handy pin below has all the tips you need:

Stay safe in the sun with these excellent sunscreens: [metaslider id=1080]


Writer and expert
View allbeauty's profile